Henrik von Gerber – Aretha Recording in NYC
Picture taken from a short film of Aretha in a recording session in late ’67 at Atlantic studios in New York. She is listening to her voice as it is played in the studio… She relaxes with a cigarette. The song she records is Ain’t No Way, written by her sister Carol. The lower picture is a NY street from the sixties!
Born just outside Lund in Southern Sweden, Henrik von Gerber moved to Stockholm as a teenager. He was strongly influenced by Pop Art, as well as sixties fashion and music. Trends associated with British Mod culture, old films and Modernist painting recur in his work, which also reflects the colours and atmosphere of his travels.
The artist describes his paintings as Urban Still Life. Created from photographic images captured on location all over the world, these are then recreated in oils in his studio. Many of von Gerber’s paintings retain a photographic quality, presenting particular moments in time, as if momentarily frozen by the camera.