A Pair of Qianlong Period Famille Rose Vases & Covers
A pair of late eighteenth century vases with floral decoration on a white ground.
Famille rose, ‘the pink family’, was first introduced to the genre of Chinese ceramics in the first quarter of the 17th century. The palette of soft pinks, yellows and greens on a white, clean background was largely influenced by a European (more specifically French) taste. The Macaron-like shades of the famille rose alined neatly with the mode of the Rococo, fashionable in France at the time. Contrary to the famille verte palette of the previous era, famille rose designs could be fired at a lower temperature, allowing for softer shades to survive the firing process.
The vases and covers are of conservative taste and muted colour. While the milky white background of the pair is dominant, it emphasises the pop of colour within the central panels, thus creating a focal point.