We love all things Italian at Timothy Langston. To celebration our Italian connection we thought it would be helpful to compile this list of items (in date order!) that we currently stock which are Italian here at the gallery. Of course we are always on looking out for beautiful pieces that capture our imagination, but this list should whet your appetite for stylish design from our Mediterranean cousins.
They represent a broad selection from stunning classical masks to beautiful tables and portraiture – very much Grand Tour focused.

An Architectural Capriccio – Follower of Viviano Codazzi
Circa 1670
A Capriccio Landscape
Circa 1680
View of The Piazza San Marco – Follower of Apollonio Domenichini
Circa 1755
Italian School, Cardinal Choiseul de Beaupré Oil on Canvas
Circa 1761
Three Naive Portraits of Children Circa 1800 Italy
Circa 1800
A Pair of Giltwood Mirrors in the Baroque Manner
Circa 1850
A Tuscan Marble Column on Square Plinth
Circa 1880
A Marble Table Statue of Venus Bathing
Circa 1880
Painted & Parcel Gilded Wine Table
Circa 1950
A Pair of Large Bronze Classical Masks
Circa 1930